Well, it’s time to eat my words. I’ve been playing this since getting it on Friday (Thanks to the bizarre insistence on releasing games on a Friday here in Blighty) and I have to say, my impressions from the demo were pretty incredibly off the mark. This game is amazing so far. Weirdly the intro section is still very lightweight and relatively poor, and as you may know there is a HUGE backlash at BioWare regarding the very end of the game (I imagine I’ll write a post about that specifically at another time), but everything between that is solid gold.
Also, and very surprisingly, multiplayer has turned out to be very enjoyable as well. When I first heard they were including it I was surprised and dismayed – it seemed like a game where a tacked-on multiplayer was inevitable, and would take resources from other aspects, but it works very well and is very much a great way to spend some time with a couple of friends. The form it takes is that of a co-operative mode of up to four players, lasting for eleven rounds (Of which the final is to escape the area). On rounds three, six, and ten, you’ll have special objectives to meet; kill particular enemies, or defend a specific room, for example. Success gives great rewards whilst failure ends the mission there and then.
It doesn’t quite reach Gears of War levels of desperation and panic, but it is still excellent, as I said, and fully worth investigating if you’re not convinced of its merits so far.
Going back to single player now, the game isn’t without its flaws. Most specifically to me is that some of the choices from ME1 are handwaved away (One specific choice which should have significantly changed things here made me a bit annoyed when I saw it was ignored). Nonetheless things from ME2 are much more closely tied into this game and I’ve already had a notably different experience from friends at some parts. The spread of enemies is very narrow, but the ones which are there are extremely well-designed, detailed, and superb to fight.

The voice acting and writing is, for the most part, very good as well. My character is FULL RENEGADE and has been since ME1, but everything I’ve seen has been done well as a renegade – my choices are very rarely, if ever, needlessly unpleasant or cruel. They are, rather, cynical and stern, and the series has definitely come a long way in making these choices seem immediately serious and consequential. The ending, of course, destroys all this entirely, but that’s an aside. My character has done some truly atrocious things in this game and yet it makes sense and has had positive effects.
In short, my mass is once again erect.
Yay!!! I’m so glad to see that you decided to try it out. I’m on my second play-through (got my DLC so gotta take it for a spin). The thing for me is just how vested we are in our characters and the rest of the crew.
The thing I found most interesting are how the story changes based on decisions and if you played 1 or 2. My husband didn’t play either and it was really cool to see how my story played out differently then his. Shoot, he’s playing them now just so he can have a certain character appear, even if said character can’t go out on missions.
As for the ending(s); I won’t get into that but if Bioware wanted discussion, they definitely got it. The thing I found odd is what I believed to be the ‘right’ choice wasn’t necessarily the ‘right’ choice in terms of my character. Also, my husband didn’t even get 3 ending options (I think I was slightly ahead of him in war assets).
Either way, it definitely makes people want to play again and try different things. Shoot, I want to replay 2 and romance Garrus just to see how it changes 3 *laughs*.
Due to a 360 death my only ME2-completed character is my completely mashed up failure Shep. EVERYONE IS DEAD! It’s pretty sad actually, hearing Liara reminisce about Garrus and stuff.