Have you ever thought “Man, I’d love to play a version of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 that is exactly like the original except with updated graphics and great reimaginings of the music?”
If so, you’re in luck. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 HD is a fan project that is setting out to do exactly that, and judging by the alpha demo released yesterday they’re going to succeed. All fans of classic Sonic the Hedgehog need to download this demo right the heck now. Being an alpha, there are a couple of bugs and glitches here and there, and only Emerald Hill Zone is available, but if you’re anything like me you won’t care and you’ll just play it over and over.

Okay, so maybe I’m a little overly enthusiastic about this thing. Maybe I’ve done nothing but play old Sonic games for the last week so I’m all hyped about it. But seriously, check it out. aslkgh;aslkhg;lakha I can’t wait for Chemical Plant Zone.
Oh god that music is going to be stuck in my hill (head) all freakin’ day now. Thank you very much D:
OMG!! *downloads*
That website looks incredibly sketch.
Screw it, I have a few hours to spare. Lessgo.
So, I couldn’t figure out how to send this as a message, but thats probably the beers messing with me. :P
I saw this on my FB feed and thought of you right off the bat: